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'joy in my heart'
This is a reproduction of my original oil painting on canvas
It is a high quality Giclée print on canvas.
Prints comes in three sizes (not stretched, with extra canvas on the sides for stretching) you can choose the size in the dropdown menu.

Each print includes a record of its serial number
(supervised by Shkolnik Art), and an original signature by the artist.
Medium size - 50 prints, Large size - 50 prints, Extra Large size - 50 prints.

Joy in my heart

850.00 ₪מחיר
  • פה אילת, את יכולה לכתוב על מדיניות ההחזרות וכדומה

  • Packing and Shipping:
    I will pack the canvas rolled (not stretched) in a tube.
    You will have to stretch the canvas in your local art workshop.

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